Research activities in Space Technologies.
VSC is currently planning to conduct research activities in following civilian space technologies.
1. Cube satellite platform development.
- Research activities in this area include development of various payloads, battery management, power generation and stabilizers. Once a platform is developed, various payloads can be easily mounted to achieve a specific mission parameters.
2. Commercial off the shelf digital photography systems for space applications
- Activities in this area include commerical off the shelf module development (COTS) like Sony CCD sensor based camera module development including media storage & camera control to function in space environment conditions.
3. Habitat modules for space exploration.
- Planned research activities include development of Mars Habitat modules supporting biological life, In situ power generation, recycling, oxygen generation, control systems and other habitat technologies.
4. Space suit development
- VSC is trying to develop a space suit and a container module for use in upper atmosphere balloon experiments and space tourism activities. Preliminary discussions are underway with Final Frontier Design of NY, USA. VSC will develop the integration part of the space suit for Life support systems.
5. Heavy lift system, HLS Arya
- Research work as study project is planned in designing a heavy lift system called HLS-Arya. This vehicle has a configuration based on available modules already developed by ISRO. Some of the salient features of this vehicle include Horizontal Stacking of stages vs conventionally used vertical stacking and Propellant cross feed mechanism to manage engine failures.